Payasitas Nifu Nifa
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Children's songs? Part I

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I remember in my childhood, when he still had Cassettes, even my mom bought me a Vinil disc with children's songs.

Among the most famous songs that I still remember memory are Ilarilarieee Ohh Ohhh Oh. I write the topic name because if you read the song in that way, Venezuelans will agree to the lyrics and song.

It is still so popular Mad hours weddings (when a formal party where everyone dance and sing the rhyme of a song remix)

The Venezuelan singers directed at children (and even not listening so often) was Poppy (Diony Lopez) a music producer known TV (RCTV) and many (like me) was a respected artist of Venezuelan culture .

The last Venezuelan singers I know and remember who worked in that area (young audience) I think the last one was Desiree "The Angel of Children". TV actress and singer.

You might think that music for children is a market that few dare to work, because it trta a difficult homesto and public, as is the child audience.

The market changed and television channels aimed at the target took series or movies to complement the music, the soundtrack of audiovisual materials are the ethical standards of children, but with the impact of globalization, Youtube, among other factors, makes bands like LMFAO, Justin Bieber and / or Taylor Swift artists of interest to young audiences, none of them have planned.

Just look at the Kids Choice Awards Awards (Awards in which children choose their favorite artists) that are generally Pop artists, infatiles artists or singers series of youth series.

Meanwhile I remember the lyrics as Alibombo of Payasitas Nifu NiFá where even remember Venezuelan groups belonging to children's entertainment companies went to parties to sing this topic or others.

Letters as Alibombo that while having the formula sticky for the children to sing and dance, it is important that parents read and esuchen letters listen to their children, not in adolescence because it is part of their identity and are exploring, but long before reaching adolescence.

If you want to know who are the singers for children today, not only for children but preference because it is directed to them, wait for the next part: Songs for Kids II.
