Noel Gallagher
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Noel Gallagher Wants To Work With Damon Albarn

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Damon Albarn is after preparing a long time a new album of the band of cartoons Gorillaz by the manager of Jamie Hewtlett animations which has a much expectation fans Albarn who in 2014 released his first solo album with a vibe nostalgic and well received by critics and a new album of Blur reunited with their respective promotional tour last year.

Although Damon and Noel Gallagher were enemies and rivals in the charts pop of the nineties brit during their stays in successful bands Blur and Oasis respectively in recent years they have forged a great friendship so they have already on the table a possible collaboration "We talked about doing something together but I'm not sure it is."

The issue has been brought up by different means since some weeks Albarn and Noel Gallagher ago were part of a super band that played to celebrate the 60th birthday bassist of The Clash Paul Simonon where among all the songs played DARE animated group led by Albarn.

Now this possibility is getting closer to this fact a few days ago Gallagher spoke in an interview on the portal specifically referring to the work currently being developed Albarn "he is recording a new album of Gorillaz, he has my number, you only have to ask. "

Noel said that despite the desire to do something together , "you can bet that the minute I finished my tour the will to do his" meaning that both have agendas very tight because this is turning his High Flying Birds in different festivals of the season, especially in england, with plans to record new material for next year and possibly by the end of this tour and Albarn is in the promotional tour of the new material Gorillaz he said "I mean get them both in the same room would be a miracle. But of course I am open to the idea. "

In a few years full of meetings, super groups and many collaborations we may not have to wait long to see this couple making music together.
