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Realitys seized the TV. Even MTV (Music TV) bases its entire programming Realitys Shows.

MTV in its early days, was conceived as an exclusive channel for music television, a medium that represented a whole young generation (Generation X) and all that music meant - a form of indentifcarse with equal-tell society , church, parents or politicians what each senitía.

Through a community music and lifestyle it emerged. So it was with representing the Jazz in its infancy, the Hippie movement, the disco era, the Grunge movement and what we now know as musical genres.

Music trascedió beyond a sound, people not only indenfican as such, but as punks, rockers, rappers or hippies, not just like music, is part of his life, his day to day and they tell people in an open manner, through their clothes or how to behave.

And the radio had to reinvent itself with the advent of television, this has had to maneuver to be of interest to a society that is mostly in internet.

Everyone loves music and emotions allow people to connect with each other.

Precisely, that is "the turn" or the solution found TV channels to innovate to a competitor that is constantly changing and improving.

Programs like American Idol that began with this kind of Musical Reality, managed the TV audience will connect with other people's stories besides charisma, have good voice and ability to interpret a song.

Through television programs, the audience becomes part of the success of the artist, and they in turn are like Alter Ego of its stars. The fans always want to know more about their idols, but even more, follow from the beginning, and that experience give you the TV shows like The X Factor, The Voice or I'm the artist.

The success of these programs are inegables, they not only have an American version but every continent and every country has its own version, and the use of the Internet has allowed popularize them , and in terms of Web 2.0 s and went viral.

Work because they are also on the internet and these programs will not only sell stories, allow you to be part of history when it presents the life of the artist on the rise, as strong stories that trap you and invite you to support and follow up close.

The artist is a spokesman for the lives of their fans, and what they say by itself could not say. Thanks to their stars, fans manage to build an identity that goes beyond the screen and social networks.
