There are songs that will convey to the audience more than rhymes, poetry and sound. The singer with his music allows the public to become the director of his own biopic.
Through the lyrics of a song people can; imagine landscapes and objects, think of others, questioned about them or about a similar situation; and collectively; You can mourn or cry while singing.
During the song, the audience is not only the director of a short, but also protagonist, owns a story and build one or more imaginative scenes that are guided by the soundtrack.
At a concert, the story of the song becomes a hymn, people who managed to identify with the feeling, can express what you feel, think and imagine along with others.
Although smoking is not the central theme of the song, through it, the story revolves, the singer while smoking ponders what happens.
Upon hearing the theme, you can imagine the artist sitting on a chair, smoking in a room with four walls and a window where a ray of light enters.
Ready lights, scene, camera and ... Action!