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Ha-ash will give two concerts in Venezuela

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Mexican pop duo Ha-ash, composed of sisters Hanna and Ashey Perez Perez Mosa Mosa, provide first two concerts in Venezuela.

Appointments are scheduled for 29 and 30 April, and will be held at the Valencia Forum and Amphitheatre Sambil Caracas, respectively.

At a press promotional press, in September last year in Caracas, described a First row-Made fact, his latest album, as "the best work we've done up to now (...). It's a good balance between past and present (...) the parent is not typecast;. pop lends itself to mixing many genres and discover every corner of the music. " Precisely, this album is what brings them to visit the country.

At that time the singers were greeted with uproar by fans at the airport. "There's nothing like arriving in a country and make you feel at home. We had time eager to come because we write a lot from here through social networks," they stated the matter.

The interpreters issues such as hate love, forgiveness, forgiveness , and I leave in freedom have five albums to his credit and will offer a concert full of successes.
