Jorge Celedón
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Vallenato declared a World Heritage Site

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Colombia and throughout Latin America, is celebrating. One of the most popular and international rhythms of this country, Vallenato, has just been declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), after almost 3 years of postulations and efforts by the Ministry of Culture of coffee country.

Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia, wrote in his Twitter account: "The @UNESCO just declared our vallenato as Intangible Heritage of Humanity An action to preserve it forever.". Message sent from Paris where he is the magnatario participating in the Summit on Climate Change cop21.

According to UNESCO, as well as serving as Vallenato classic rhythm at festivals and concerts, it plays an important role in the formation of social ties, contributing to the unity and joy in the region.

"This rhythm plays an essential role in the creation of a common regional identity" declared from UNESCO.

Vallenato is a style of music that, having been born in the Colombian Caribbean coast, has spread throughout the region, with major influence in Venezuela, Panama, Ecuador, Mexico and obviously Colombia. It is interpreted primarily with three instruments: diatonic accordion, guacharaca and vallenatera box, although on several occasions he also uses a guitar and other instruments used in the Cumbia. Among the main vallenateros they are: Jorge Celedon, Silvestre Dangond, Carlos Vives and historical (deceased in 2013) Diomedes Diaz.
