Sixto Rein
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Sixto Rein conquered the public in Spain

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Venezuelan singer Sixto Reynaldo Rodriguez Dorta, known in the world of urban music as Sixto Rein completed a successful tour of Spain where the Iberian audience was delirious with performances in Barcelona and Madrid.

The interpreter of songs like "Forgive me," "It looks good" and "Vive la Vida" was a full house at Barcelona on November 20 and in Madrid, with the same competition the next day.

In addition, the Venezuelan visited the most important means of both Spanish cities where he had a warm welcome. "The support I had on every radio in each half was spectacular. An unforgettable experience. Thanks Spain for such a good deal, "said Sixto.

According to Juan Pablo Ferreira, manager of the Venezuelan artist in March will return to Iberian lands. "We will do a little more extensive tour. For now I can anticipate that it will be in Malaga, Canary Islands and repeat in Barcelona and Madrid, "he said.
