Coat Check Girl
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Coat Check Girl is a Californian band composed of two Venezuelan brothers André and Alejandro Rodriguez.

During his early teens they formed a metal band that was gaining traction until they decided to leave Venezuela, focused on a better life and dreams in the suitcase.

As his tastes were mutating, the desire to keep his idea of band and brotherhood was connecting again. André began his studies in Los Angeles while Alexander went to Florida, while moving songs.

Thus was born Coat Check Girl, a watered dose of their first signs of metal, alternative now become, with melodic hard core influences. They just released the video for "Yellow, Blue, Red , " which refers to the colors of the flag of Venezuela and for them represents a critique of authoritarianism and political climate in which they see their country, the circumstances in which they live their families and friends.

Coat Check Girl supports its sound in melodic riffs that stand out for a powerful and direct voice of their leader André. Anger, drama, pain and the need to express a sentimental rooting guide vocal projection of André that can be easily identified with letters and message.

The band already has been giving his appearances in bars in the city of Los Angeles, as they continue writing material that will be on the street soon. Meanwhile enjoy this promotional cut resorting to the sort of political limbo in which Venezuela has become, this time contextualized through the artistic vision of Coat Check Girl.
