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Emotional message from Nacho to Yordano through these streets

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Nacho renowned Venezuelan singer recently posted on his YouTube channel a tribute to Yordano occasion of his birthday 64. Nacho Yordano reports that for him has been a great influence, as well as various artists from Latin America and tells us that is causing the sound Venezuelan music today, so it encourages you to move forward and give their support commenting that you are not alone!

In the video he is seen reciting a new version of that song that was so important in his career for him and for Venezuelans, "these streets." By the time it came out was to accompany a famous Venezuelan soap opera more than 15 years ago based on the daily life and social crisis Venezuelans living; TODAY almost twenty years later the situation in this country is maintained.

In 2014 the singer announced that he was suffering from myelodysplastic syndrome and earlier this year was operated successfully.

For this nacho he makes this so emotional dedication citing "Yordano, brother, happy birthday. I hope that in your struggle, when this process will allow a space to think, you can start preparing songs for a new album, there is a force that nothing can take away from you; of your talent. Even when you feel physically weak, nothing can weaken what for you, like me, is life; music".
