Pharaoh's Dream
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Pharaoh’s Dream Covers Classic Single “Sunny”

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Many people know the song “Sunny”, composed and recorded by Bobby Hebb, and can identify the song by its pop infused jazzy style. Singer of Pharaoh’s Dream, David Nathan, wanted to share his love for this song by creating a cover that encapsulates the beauty of the original. David and his incredibly talented producer ,Tyler McCrary, sat together virtually and created an interpolation of Bobby’s hit single. The team decided on slowing the song in order to make it appear more soulful and intimate, as well as adding instruments and compositions to the original. 

Whereas Bobby’s single was more fast-paced and incredibly jazzy, David takes his own personal approach to honor his favorite song. He adds a reggae feel to the music as well as a new piano melody that follows the reggae genre. Slowing the song and adding extra minor chords with the piano makes the song feel more personal and adds a level of emotion that didn’t exist in the original. This emotion is far more sorrowful and can help listeners connect to the music in a manner that hadn’t been possible before. David’s voice has a timeless quality that, paired with his instrumental choices, send listeners back to 40's and 50's jazz clubs. His tinge of blues in his voice stems from his greatest inspirations. 

David calls out to Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Norah Jones, and many more from that era of music. David’s influences allow him to appeal not only to some younger demographics who listen to this music, but to older generations who grew up listening to these very same artists. David has impeccable capabilities as he was able to turn a jazzy pop hit single into something soulful and blue. “Sunny” is a treasured song, and not many people are able to hold the soundness and solidity that Bobby set, but David was able to hold up the torch in honor of Bobby seamlessly and successfully. Pharaoh’s Dream has kept “Sunny” shining bright and brought back some good memories by creating and releasing this amazing remake.


Stream “Sunny” Here


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