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Aggregate Prime Is The Sh**

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In jazz dictionary of Ralph Peterson lies that he is a professor on Berkley, percussionist and trumpet player. Nowadays, experienced New Yorker is most known as a drummer and leader of many quartets and quintets. In 2016, he gathers all-star group of people under the name Aggregate Prime with debut album Dream Deferred.

The name of the album is taken from the poem Harlem by Langston Hughes, which often served as an inspiration for artists in various fields.

What happens to a dream deferred?Does it dry upLike a raisin in the sun?Or fester like a sourAnd then runDoes it stink like rotten meatOr crust and sugar overLike a syrupy sweet

Maybe it just sagsLike a heavy loadOr does ot explode?

Facilitated by the death of his father and racial conflicts in the States, Pitterson implements a strong political context on the record. First composition Iron Man, composed by Eric Dolphy, resembles Bobby Hutcherson and it serves as Patterson's political compass. It's as If he wants to offer lucid orientation for African Americans and inspire them to act, rather than react. Pitterson has been offering his opinions on political and social issues in multitude of interviews, and these help us deconstruct the album more efficiently.

"The album speaks to the question of that final question Langston Hughes asks in Harlem and whether we as a society are close to answering it. The answer is already there in that If we don't do the right thing, all of our dreams and hopes will explode."

In the shadow of political statement is the group of talented musicians: VJ Ayer on piano, Marc Whitefield on drums and Kenny Davis on bass. The play is mostly post-bop, as we are used to from Pitterson.

On the 20th album, Aggregate Prime showcased political maturity, consistency, and quality, which was enough to give them spotlight they deserve.
