Koop Islands
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#tbt Koop: Koop Islands

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When I signed up to last.fm, it was probably one of the most rewarding moments in my life as I suddenly found myself in a position to not only discover hundreds of new artists, but also to connect with like-minded people all over the world who all had the same desire - to listen to as much music as possible. It was before Facebook, Instagram and Twitter became a conditio sine qua non of every millennial. Songs are like tiny wormholes in space and time that help us connect both interpersonally and intrapersonally. Around that time, back at the end of the first decade of the new millennium, I came across an exquisite band from Germany who offered an innovative prism of modern jazz. Let’s throwback to Koop and their high quality contemporary jazz album Koop Islands.

Island BluesKoop is hands down one of my favorite songs of all time. The very first line Hello my love, it’s getting cold on this island can apply to so many different scenarios, and the singer’s mellow interpretation supported by harmonium takes me back to the times when I wasn’t even born. The ability of the number to spur reminiscences of the past lives is evidence of its timeless, almost anachron faculty. When I first heard Koop Island Blues, I was still waiting for my first relationship to happen. Now, almost ten years later, the lyrics make even more sense. So I am looking for you, or anyone like you.

My second favorite from this album is I See A Different You, and ever since I have become a nomad, I can not help myself but to torture myself with putting it on loop. In a different place, I see another you is, in my humble opinion, one of the best lines ever written in contemporary music history. The song is more upbeat jazz, and it satiates your pleasures with perfectly arranged strings. Koop’s instrumental mastery is so spot on, I am shocked they have never reached wide recognition. Trumpet-saturated Forces, Darling is a modern jazz classic every cabaret artists would be proud to have in their catalogue. There is no dinner party that I don’t throw this one in the playlist, and all of my friends are like What is this, it sounds amazing.

Come To Me is a playful piece of late 60s jazz with a bit of swing influence, while Whenever There Is You brings easy vibes and stands as a remarkable ballade. It is tough to determine whether these talented duo is better in upbeat or downtempo, but it doesn’t really matter as each song on Koop Islands is top-notch. If you don’t believe me, Let’s Elope, Beyond The Son, The Moonbounce and Drum Rhythm should be next on your playlist.

Once you are done with Koop Islands, move to Waltz for Koop, it is equally brilliant.
