Amazing Game - Instrumental Music
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It is really amazing

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Paolo Conte is mostly known to casual jazz fans for his languid piano and gruff vocals sung predominantly in Italian. He was able to break the language barrier and become quite popular throughout the world. Now in his eighties, he is less to be seen or heard, becoming notoriously known for shows that would barely run over the half hour mark. This might have tarred his image a bit in these lagte days of his career. But, his jus issued album "Amazing Game - Instrumetal Music" will go a long way to rectify any blemishes his fans might see. The newcomers will definitely have no quibbles.

Presented here is Conte's all instrumental music, usuallyculled from the film scores he have done. If you are wandering whether it is anywhere near the quality and tradition of Italian scoremasters like Nino Rota, Ennio Morricone or Pierro Umilliani, wander no more. In this respect, Conte's instrumental music is definitely up to that level. Like Morricone and others, Conte mixes various musical elements together masterfully, whether it is jazz, classical, tango or any mothern sound. Where he touches with Nino Rota, fo example is the love of vaudville and cabaret music, which weaves through the numbers like "En Bleu Marine" and "P.U.B.S.A.G.". If you're in for a more classical tinge, "Largo Sonata Per O.R." might be just the perfect fit for that late night hour beteen two and four in the morning.

As the album progresses, you constantly recognize that Conte touch, even if those branded vocals are missing. But, the music is of such a quality, that even if they are missing, you dont really miss them. Although Paolo Conte has in recent years made a number of musical gaffes, this is definitely not one of them and his image as a great composer and author is completely restored.
