A modern day Peter, Paul & Mary four piece band capable of sweet, sweet sounds. The Coconut Kids compose of sullen singing missed times, Jazz theatrics and "how life can be a bitch, man". Have words ever uttered out truth in such conviction? No, once or twice but honestly no. 'Rich Man' attaches piano, bass and vocals to compell the audience to swing in the advantage of their choosing. The Coconut Kids fruitful with their authentic roots, drags out our inner most peeves. Age, life and the circle of all things that involve you.
If all the things in life, that we have done, given or attributed towards happened to occur within our favor. Why, yes we would be rich man wouldn't we? But The Coconut Kids bring us back down to earth to soak in the truth. Life may not go exactly to plan and being rich means several other words not even associated to being rich in life. Sad but the world has witnessed this to be the outcome.
Stumbling upon 'Rich Man' executed one thought. I never thought indie would find a reliable track by using (properly) a horned instrument to extravagance. Or at least in the same field as Jazz.