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My feelings of his lyrics

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Russ. He has a meaning and honestly is the reason my life has been going well I think. He just makes me feel like I can do almost anything. He has this way with his words in the songs he sings. Yes i said he sings even though it is " rap ". At the end of the day that is just a word. The main song that got me into Russ was ' Pull the triger '. This song came onto one of my playlist back in 2015. My friend at the time had put it on there without me knowing because he had wanted me to hear it. The lyrics in this song touched me because I never hsd felt so much connection to lyrics. They just made me feel this way and well i can't help but say I love his songs till this day. To me my feelings of his lyrics are that i can connect to them. I can feel that there is a real meaning behind them. Anway have a wonderful rest of your day. Peace 
