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If You Love Music and League of Legends, You'll Love Instalok!

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I, myself am a proud and addicted League of Legends summoner. I am also very passionate about music and it has been my way of life. What better way to find happiness than seeing the two things you love come together? So, when I found this YouTube channel, it was absolute bliss.

Instalok is a music channel on YouTube, with over a million subscribers. They make parodies of songs and turn them into League of Legends related content. The group consists of three people: Patrick, Chris, and Tony. They are based in California and started out making videos in 2013. They have already made tons of songs that are separated into volumes. They also make original songs sometimes. Check out this awesome song they did with Kurt Schneider below:

The name Instalok is said to be have originated from the term “instalock” from playing League of Legends. It is used to describe someone who immediately locks in at champion select. If you are a gamer, you’d exactly know what I am talking about.

One of my favorite things about it is when I know the song and can relate to the parody. The hilarious and witty rhymes Instalok makes are very impressive. They also come with action-packed music videos, seeing the League of Legends (commonly the Summoner's Rift) in a different perspective.

Of course, since they’re singing about League of Legends, they play it too! They occasionally have streams on Twitch and you can check them out here.

Instalok also has been having trouble with YouTube because they keep demonetizing their videos. So, I say, please check them out and support them. You can help them out in Patreon or directly send money to their Paypal.

If ever, you’re also lacking in the financial area, subscribe to them on YouTube or support them on Facebook and Twitter.

Tell me what you think about this unique combination of hobbies. Make sure to leave a comment below. Be a proud summoner!
