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Celestica Empowers Crystal Castles Into New Regions of Mainstream

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Crystal Castles flew out of Toronto, Canada as a swarm of locusts landing on the headphones of every teenage/young adult individual across the United States and International. Even though as of late Alice Glass left the band in 2014 citing a solo career for a more empathic outlook. Ethan Kath has continued on with a new female lead, charging forward into the realm of impossible possibilities based on the entire ethic of Crystal Castles.


Off of the second Crystal Castles album (II) "Celestica" empowers a softer vibe from the duo. With Crystal Castles (I) which uncovered a harsh Industrial Electronic sonic wave of oppression and rage. "Celestica" edges in on a melodic parody of other mainstream electronic based songs.  However, the sore thumb aspect is that Crystal Castles did stick out no matter what, even as "Celestica" allowed a varied new addition to fans who couldn't necessarily stomach the raw intensity Crystal Castles has been known to produce.


In the music video, Alice Glass is dressed in a Peter Pan collared dress, shown walking through green cemeteries with violinists and walking along old ruins visible only at a close distance. The greenery makes a stark contrast against Alice Glass' signature black hair, heavy black eye make-up and black dress. The contrast actually coincides with "Celestica" and the sonic notion the song puts off.

Once "Celestica" hit the internet nothing short of wonderment was exclaimed from prior fans to the new abundance of ears wanting to listen in. Whether Crystal Castles is a duo within your range of listening or not, giving "Celestica" a chance may just be the nudge needed to give Crystal Castles the benefit of the doubt.

With this track being released in 2010 "Celestica" still holds a strong competitive ground against many new artists based on originality, thought-provoking, and an iridescent essence.
