Grim Reaper
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grim of jun konagaya

Artist reviewed by:

Jun Konagaya

Well, hello once again. Once again back is the incredible, noise animal. These holidays and this January have made a lot of mess. I want to move on and become calm. For those who feel the same way as I do I want to tell something: guys, we have hope. And this hope’s name is Grim.

Grim is a Japanese power electronics, noise, experimental art creation of one man. It was formed in the eighties by Jun Konagaya. First there was White Hospital – a project of Jun Konagaya and Tomasada Kuwahara. The band released one album and that was it. Tomasada moved to Vasilisk and Jun created Grim.

Now what Grim is. Grim is something special. It is a pure art screaming with passion and something true. Distorted screams and singing are clearing your soul making you forget about all the bullsh*t carnivals and naïve bla-bla talks. Occult sounds, some noises, organ music and a sick childlike singing are a key to a totally new and special world of beauty and experiments with something dark and light, something sick and so pure at the same time.

The more you deal with Jun Konagaya’s art, the more you find it fresh and healing. It is deep like a black ocean and beautiful like a love experiment. It is not about noise just for noise or horror just to for horror. His music has been an occult light and delight for all those who look for a ritualistic and magical aspects in the sound experiments. I think Grim is something like a prayer in its own dark and touching, even melancholic way. It is a complete and all-sufficient world. This world does need anything to be added to it. But you might need this world so bad. So try Grim and you will know…

Jun Konagaya Grim on Facebook:
