Pantha Du Prince
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Pantha du Prince

Artist reviewed by:

Pure Vulnerability

The skies of glass are so clear and bright! The hands of glass touch my body and make me relax. These hands have dozens of fingers and the nails are long and sharp. The hands make me calm. The hands of glass give me pleasure – hundreds and thousands of orgasms. They just touch and stroke providing me with the universal strength and love. These hands are on my side. These eyes of red glass are on my side always. They watch me. They look at me with passion, tenderness and lust. The flowers of glass grow everywhere I go. Everything is pure, sexy, calm and benevolent. This world is a fragile prayer coming out in a form of passionate whisper out of the giant vixen’s mouth. This universal woman whispers gentle and deep words of love, sex and gratitude. She whispers her dreams. And these dreams form our world. We are her thoughts and desires. We are her hopes and obsessions. We are beautiful and lustful. We are everything and we can be anything we want to. She lets us change constantly in our glassy world with no limits and boundaries. The only thing is we’ve got to love and be loved. The point is this world seems to be fragile but in fact it’s everythingproof. Beauty is unassailable. Love is endless. And Pantha du Prince is an awesome soundtrack for this purely vulnerable glassy world.



