Troye Sivan
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Youth according to Troye Sivan

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There’s always that nagging suspicion that you missed something when you see a singer on YouTube, you’ve never heard of, having 39 million views on his video. This sums up my introduction to Troye Sivan.His song “Youth” popped up on my suggestion list. The song caught my attention right away, because I have a thing for that kind of a bass. It was what caught me onto Conor Maynard, way back when, with “Can’t Say No”, so Trivan Sivan reminded me of this when I heard  “Youth”, even though the songs have nothing else in common.Another thing that immediately caught my eye, is how openly gay Troye is in his videos. It’s undeniably evident. And no, I don’t mean by the dance moves, leather trousers, or colorful clothes etc, no, he’s standing a little closer to a boy or rubbing his hand in way you would not expect from friends. It’s refreshing, to be honest.It means there’s not been a publicist on his path, who’s pushed him to keep it on the down low, so that the girls would fancy him and that could be used as a marketing tool. It kind of feels like the entertainment world could be entering a refreshing new phase and figure out it’s best to let artists be themselves.Of course, I checked out more of Troye’s music videos. Most songs I heard have a lot of slow songs and a knack for the dramatics. So, it wasn’t a surprise to find out he’s done acting as well. It reflects in the lyrics and flair for big changes in the songs, without somehow going to the extreme. I am well impressed. Compared to the rest, “Youth” is the most pop, commercial and big as it gets.Like my last YouTube discovery, Troye is also a YouTube vlogger and has millions followers and I definitely give you my seal of approval if you would to subscribe to him.

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