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Halo Manash

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Returning to yourself is the essence. It is everything. Only losing yourself in someone is more important. But even then you become someone. Returning to yourself is not painful. When you come back to who you really are, well, it is like music. Actually, it is music. And images. Images of what you have always been or what you have always wanted to be or what you have become when you had lost yourself in your Love. It’s like you are home. You have reached your true home, finally. And you listen to this special music of your coming back. Every sound makes your mind, body and soul recover. You start forgetting people, situations and talks you don’t need. You have never needed them – just face this fact. It’s like a curing shower that washes all the sh*t away. And you are you. You and Your Love. Your skin recovers. Your soul says thank you. Your guts stop rotting. You see a sense in living. I mean you start seeing it again. The sky is deep again; and you feel like you are not a stranger in this world anymore. You see signs, signals and beauty everywhere. These signs, signals and beauty lead you and your love somewhere. They want you to see a sacred place. You are home and on the road again at the same time. Your bones are reliable again. And there is no white noise in your head and your heart anymore. You’ve seen a lot of things. You’ve felt a lot of pain. You’ve listened to a lot of people. And it was like some poison for you. A crap you need to get rid of. You’ve felt like… someone else but not your beloved one. But now all this has just gone. It’s gone away and it has never meant anything. It was just a white noise.

And this album I’m writing about called “Unetar” – it’s this kind of returning to yourself music to me. It’s beautiful and true. And extremely calm. The band is called Halo Manash. Find it and you will understand me.


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