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Feature : Helios

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If you’re looking for something really refreshing to listen to, you should definitely check out Helios. Take atmospheric classical piano music and add in a beautifully subtle groove, sprinkle in the most relaxed emotions you’ve ever felt, and you have Helios. Berklee graduate, Keith Kenniff is the mind behind the music that is unsurprisingly often used in film and advertising. Paramount Pictures, Apple, Facebook, Starbucks and MTV are just some of the big names that have featured music by Helios in their marketing campaigns.  You can watch some of them as well as check out Keith’s recent releases on his profile at Unseen Music, here: http://www.unseen-music.com/ In Greek mythology, the role of Helios was to carry the sun across the sky each day. Abstract as it may seem, this is exactly what listening to Helios feels like. A warm glow slowly moving across the moments spent listening to it. Kenniff has been releasing music under the name, Helios, since 2006, with Eingya being offered to listeners during that year. This was followed by Ayres in 2007, Caesura in 2008, the Malady of Elegance also in 2008, and prolific releases almost every year since. 

It is always exciting to find that a great producer and musician is as good at releasing music regularly as they are at creating top quality songs. Kenniff also releases music under the alias, Goldmund, this is where he focuses on forward-thinking piano driven songs and Mint Julep, where he makes electronic dream pop music alongside his wife, Hollie Kenniff. If you click on the link to Unseen Music above, you will find a comprehensive collection of recent releases and featured work under each of these names.

The only disappointment I feel in having discovered Helios, is that I did not do so sooner.

