Blood, Sweat, Drum'n'Bass Big Band
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Sor Zor Sya

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This drum’n’bass should be played in heaven.

Steel atmospheric pads and leads coil and crawl. You can watch these sounds which are very tight and shaggy. Everything is white, black and grey. Looks pretty doomed but it’s not actually. All these elements together form a quaint and freakish creature. It is cheerful, playful and weird.

This creature came from that mysterious cassette world. It came from the tapes; it came from the rains and the oceans. It came to surprise you. This creature is noble, deep and modest. White, black and grey. It has vinous insides full of warmth and richness.  What a beautiful moment! Steel sounds of warmth and a hypothetic future in a green space. Waves of psychedelic melodies which sound like 70’s giallo soundtracks. Broken drum’n’bass beats – so soft, familiar and textured.

This drum’n’bass sounds not like drum’n’bass. And ambient here is not ambient in a common sense. Everything is magical and consuming in this creature called Sor Zor Sya. This is a true thing. You just know it. Once you turn it on you just hear and even see a special musical creature breathing talented experimental electronics.

Sor Zor Sya is a Japanese project of a musician from Osaka named Koji Nishikawa. This music is perfect for loving, dreaming and every other great thing. The self-titled 1998 cassette release is deep and beautiful. Experimental, industrial ambient, leftfield drum’n’bass – call it what you want but find this release and take your time to feel it. That edition was limited so look for the rips or whatever. But a real pleasure is guaranteed. It’s pretty hard to get tired of this extremely talented dreamy music. Soundscapes and magical passages are light and pure. And you’ve just got to feel it.

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