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Does Jamie Lynn put you to sleep?

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For most, Jamie Lynn - sister of Britney - Spears could be seen as the Spears family member who busted the perfect family brand. Mother Spears was just about to release a book about good parenting in 2007, when Jamie Lynn confirmed her teen pregnancy - Ouch. Jamie Lynn’s announcement was in the same year as Britney’s breakdown. I don’t think the book was ever released after that.

But where Britney’s life has remained restless, it really does look like Jamie Lynn found her way a lot quicker. After a promising acting career, she gave motherhood a full time ago, and once her daughter got old enough to go to school, Jamie Lynn wanted to return to her music. Country music.

Recently, footage surfaced showing how well big sister Britney Spears actually sang during performances at the early stages of her career. In fact, you can still hear this on certain tracks on her first album. Her typical vocal sound was something that was in development at the time and now people are actually claiming her image and childlike sound is keeping her hostage, because she’s actually a much better artists as you may think.

Jamie Lynn looks set to avoid this. Even her music shows a little more maturity than Britney’s and she’s staying far away from any gimmicks or childlike noises. Of course, it’s much easier to do this using country music. Country music is often seen as the genre that represents (or should represent) life - every day issues for the everyday man. It does have the tendency to be a little bit on the serious side.

She’s been releasing music since 2013, but there was a hiatus since the release of her EP, “The Journey”, in 2014. Her journey took a little detour to songwriting for others, but also for the official debut album. Now, she’s released a new single. It’s called “Sleepover” and even that is well received by critics.

Of course people are skeptical and will always compare her to her big sister. But most music critics agree that what she does is surprising them.

She definitely has her odds against her. When I was prepping the article here on Kurrent Music, the system we use suggests tags for the article based on public opinion of an artist. And they are definitely not positive. In fact, I really do think some opinions are very disrespectful. I’m not sure Jamie Lynn will ever be able to sway those people, but I can respect the fact that she’s not afraid to try. I think you should give "Sleepover" a try if you like country music.
