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The Modern Door

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Magic is in the air. I can feel it; I breathe it, taste it and anticipate the thrilling and exciting feelings and experience. Real Magic is like that. So weird stories are welcome and experiments with music are always of a high demand around here. My Special Someone and I – we are so into strange music! We want to share a very special record with you. I’m talking about “Augmented Folk Ballads of the Leine Plain” by The Modern Door.

The Modern Door is a mysterious act from Western Germany. No info can be found on the web. And those who know – I think they are going to keep silent for some serious reason. Well, it sounds pretty intriguing and thrilling. We love it that way.

Anyways, here is the story: a group of scientists was sent to the Leine Plain in 2014. And they disappeared. They found only this weird record called “Augmented Folk Ballads of the Leine Plain” - and that’s it! Brrr! I don’t feel like retelling, so you will find the whole legend following the bandcamp link below.

Songs are more than just songs: they are like mantras. Secret codes and messages. This album is a diary of the expedition, a scary diary of those who have lost forever and no one would ever find out what has happened. It’s like you are listening to one of the weirdest rituals ever. It happened by accident – you just found a tape… And the recorded stuff made your blood turn to ice. You could not stop listening to it; somehow you felt it was real. And this fact is the most terrifying thing about all this. Like you were a spy by chance and saw something you were not supposed to see.

This tape is awesome and mysterious. This tape is too real and good, though it’s true.

The only useful link:
