Juan Maria Solare
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multidimensional musician

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The music of this pianist of Argentine origin is classified as classical (or neo-classical , or post-romantic ). However, this classification does not speak of its facet related to experimental electronic music. Perhaps Solare should look for a pseudonym to publish her other creations under a second name. Let's limit ourselves then to the pianistic / classical: its sound can remember many artists, between Chopin and many classics of the nineteenth century up to the current Ludovico Einaudi or Nils Frahm. But besides, and as is to be expected in an Argentine composer, tango plays an important role in this cocktail. Of course, there is also an own sound, a personal and singular contribution.

His best works are not the most accessible. As a gateway to this artist , we can propose one of his recent singles, Mote of Dust Suspended in a Sunbeam , which has an advantage for our purposes: this single comes in two flavors: solo piano and piano with electronic environmental sounds (here pretty little invasive, which coincides with the character of the piece). Another direct and not very long piece is La voz del sur . For the most conservative among lovers of the classic, for those who are safe, we must mention his recording of the waltz nr 15 of Chopin, posthumous op . Always in the field of "pleasant" are Zwischen den Jahren or Truro Road , from the recent album Sombras blancas .

Those who want a slightly more daring sound can get involved with Furor , from their first solo album ( Tango Monologues ). Or Pum, a rarer tango, a tangoid:

Finally, lovers of an ultramodern electronic sound have to try Nun , from the compilation album Sn (Stannum), where fifty artists contributed an electronic miniature to celebrate the half-century of Juan María Solare's life .
