Rossano Galante
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Rossano Galante-- Afterlife

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Rossano Galante’s “Afterlife” is such a beautiful work for band in the key of B-flat. One could hear the angels in heaven singing along to this one. There is a delicate intro featuring the flutes in the medium-high register. The slight dissonances make for beautiful moments. Then, the whole band acts on that and puts this theme up that makes the whole piece just majestic. It’s just beautiful. It reminds me of the goodness and the possibilities of what music could be. It makes me want to make music to travel the world with all this music that has been in the world.

Evermore so is the title of the work. “Afterlife.” The music suggests heaven and the peaceful, mighty, and noble fanfare of what it could be in heaven. This is certainly something to think about. Come into the light and hear all the beautiful music that is in heaven and how we can celebrate that here on earth.
