Nevermind (Remastered)
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Concentrated Attraction

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Nirvana came into existence and seemingly destroyed "hair metal" in the blink of an eye. Parents who where in thier early 20s at the time would save Nevermind waiting till their children grew up to appreciate such a band. In doing so, 'Something In The Way' became a sort of lullaby (since it does act as the closing track and unassuming) played over to the point of insanity. 

Many theories have risen up as to what Kurt was expressing. However the truth lives somewhere between Kurt's own descriptions, personal experience and becoming homeless for a time. Whether or not Kurt spent a few nights to a few months sleeping under that bridge remains unknown. It sure as hell had enough of an impact to compose 'Something In The Way'.

The quiet acoustic presence adcocates a certain eerie awakening. One can immediately sense a foreboding feeling. In a different way the semi detached singing shows simplistic childlike view based on the lyrics. Where all in all acts out a sort of Brothers Grimm rhyme full of hopeless attraction to an event affecting the human mind.

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