Fuckers/Dream Baby Dream
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Close Your Eyes and Scream

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Savages the band you either live or have no intention listening to ever. After drifting along without acknowledging Savages for about a year, lo and behold the band would be putting on a show near my home. The song 'Fuckers' would repetitively sync through my skull for the days that followed. At 10 plus minutes and racking in an even longer encore of the track...'Fuckers' continued to apply the needed pressure of assurance. Evermore so Savages produced an empowering symbolism embedded within the lyrics.

Having your jaw drop of the sheer commitment to demonstrate the constructive destruction a well crafted song...is beyond dedicated. Let us call it madness wrapped up in genius. Savages threw all caution to the wind by chanting along...gifting the audience the idealism of 'who cares, this is about you' attitude. 'Fuckers' never came off as campy or an anthem, instead Savages compromised a sensation between battle cry and annihilation. 
