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A Simple Song Indeed

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I was recently asked to perform Simple Song by The Shins as the bride at an upcoming wedding walks down the aisle. Although I am well acquainted with the band and I may be known to play a song or two on repeat, I was yet to spend much time on Simple Song. Although it is not a traditional choice or a classic love song, the more I listen to this track, the more I realise what a great choice this is for a wedding processional.

Bars of muffled organ notes introduce the song to its listeners, undercut with heavily edited vocals. This creates a beautiful sense of anticipation, which continues for the four minutes and fifteen seconds of the song. There is also a warmth to the song, which I think is created by the steady bass line and rhythm accompanied by a choral style vocal that continues throughout the song. There are unique moments of interest in the song, created by the electric guitar and piano. In combination, these elements create a really full, rich sound. On the first listen, it feels as though Simple Song has been part of my listening library for years.

This is probably also due to the wholly unpretentious and believable lyricism of the track. I’ve heard it argued that the best lyrics are the ones that paint a picture as you listen to them.

When I was just nine years old, I swear that I dreamt your face in a football field... You wore a charm on a chain that I stole especial for you, love’s such a delicate thing that we do with nothing to prove

 Simple Song tells a beautiful story as it progresses. It’s hard not to be taken in by the years of friendship the singer describes. There’s unfussiness in the progression from childhood gestures to the complications of life and love that the singer and his beloved grow into. The writer seems to follow the great rule of showing, rather than telling and the song is not obvious, but communicates a distinct mood and feeling that is really special.

 I know that things can really get rough when you go it alone, don’t go thinking you’ve gotta be tough, to plea like a stone, could be there’s nothing else in our lives so critical as this little home.

If you weren’t already convinced of the uncomplicated romance of Simple Song, these lyrics should take care of that. The vulnerable words of the chorus together with the epic feeling of the music of the chorus create everything that I want from a love song. I am not moved by something that seems too sure of itself, but rather an expression of the enormity of love in contrast with the difficulties of life, is extremely romantic.

Needless to say, I’m really excited to play and sing my own interpretation of Simple Song in a week’s time. It’s an intimidating task, as this song is so brilliantly written and executed, but I hope to re-create something of its magic in my performance.

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