Hot Fuss (Deluxe Version)
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Music and The Beautiful Life it Has

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There are different tastes for everything in this world; whether it be cars, wine, food, we all have different preferences. That’s why I love music so much, and it’s one reason why music plays such a big part in my life. Diversity in music is unlike anything else in the world, and it makes for listening to music quite an adventure. Music is the language of the world! It has the ability to make people feel in a way nothing else in this world can. It can make the listener feel pain and sorrow, make them feel happy and excited, or make them think in ways not understandable. Music is able to bring the listener on a journey through an entirely different universe, where our minds can run free with imagination and interpretation.


A song could make me happy, while the same song could make another person sad. Music is all about interpretation and how we feel when we here it. No matter if it’s rap, rock, jazz, or reggae, or anything we consider music, it has a way to skip our brain and go straight for the heart and soul. Sometimes they say it takes a true genius to make something incredible, however with music one just needs a heart to feel what they want to hear. Like art, music is in the “eye of the beholder,” and I believe we must cherish music for that reason.


You may not realize how big music is but if you step back and think, music is everywhere. No matter where you are, music will find you in this world. Music is in everything; our phones, our computers, our cars, movies, television shows, commercials… it’s everywhere. I firmly believe that music is the key to creative success, and I know for a fact that music will always be the one friend that never leaves me behind.


Everyone has that one album or song that will forever be their favorite. For me, rap in general is what makes me a happy listener. However, one album that I can never let go of, is Hot Fuss, by The Killers. Even though it isn’t rap, The Killers are my favorite band and Hot Fuss is my favorite album ever. There isn’t a song on that album that I dislike, everything is just so well written and executed perfect that I can never stop loving them. So no matter what band or singer you like to listen to, enjoy music, enjoy listening to songs you love, because music isn’t going anywhere anytime fast.

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