Sin B Free
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DJ Dobrel Perspective on Sin B Free

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We are excited to share DJ Dobrel's new track "Sin B Free"! Our goal at SongBlog is to highlight outstanding new music and give you a peek at the artist’s world behind the music. In this blog we get a chance to sit down with DJ Dobrel to learn all about the inspiration, concepts, and creative energy that it took to create and produce "Sin B Free". We hope you enjoy and please feel free to ask DJ Dobrel anything!
Who are you and what do you do?

Hi Im a House and Techno DJ from Ireland! I have been DJing since 2000s and Producing since 2016!  I produce all styles but specialize in Upfront House and Big Room / Hardcore Techno! They are my light and dark sides! 


How does your background play into this song?

I run club events and the brand is confession sessions! People come and dance but also can confess their sins in our virtual booths! Its a lot of fun so I made this track for the House heads. A techno version will come sometime soon also :)) 

What is your earliest memory of listening to music?

I have always loved music and it was hip hop and Dance from around the age of 11! I have been more into House and Techno the last 10-15 years as I think the golden age of hip hop was 90s/early 2000s. So since then I was more into Dance music and really all styles! 

At what moment in your life did you decide to become an artist / performer?

A lot of my friends in Cork were DJs and I never had the courge to do it at that moment but overtime I gained the confidence and started DJing many years later. But in terms of Producing it was around 2015 and I had dabbled in Music production a little but finally purchased a copy of FL Studio! I had a break of a few years and really dove in to production again in 2020 during lockdown! So for me was a good experience! But I love the buzz of DJing your own music! 

What genres does this release play into?

This is more of a latin house vibe I think, that wasnt my orginal goal but it developed in this way! 

How has your sound and style evolved in the last 3 years?

Yes for sure, I have spent a lot of time really learning music production in detail and I believe now i can create any idea! I think there will always be a part of me that enjoys making house music for people to listen to at their leisure but when it comes to Techno its for the Clubs for sure! 

If you could alter the music industry in any way, what would you change and why?

I think its about getting a better return on your time investment. The money you make from Streams is pityful! 

What is your overarching goal as an artist?

To be the best I know I can! I want to be able to make a living full time out of music and continue to have people enjoy my music!

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