International Witchcraft
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Robert Courtney Perspective on International Witchcraft

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We are excited to share Robert Courtney's new track "International Witchcraft"! Our goal at SongBlog is to highlight outstanding new music and give you a peek at the artist’s world behind the music. In this blog we get a chance to sit down with Robert Courtney to learn all about the inspiration, concepts, and creative energy that it took to create and produce "International Witchcraft". We hope you enjoy and please feel free to ask Robert Courtney anything!
What drives you to continue writing music?

I have to make music, I can't stop, it's like a river that flows through me. When I've had periods when I've been unable to create it's all been stored in my mind, in books and in the cloud, just waiting for the day. It's the thing I enjoy most.

What inspired this song?

I've always been a Witch but not always put it into action, so this is my 'coming out' song. When I align myself with my powers life is good, when I ignore them it's not. Everyone feels fragmented and isolated these days so it's a way of saying "you're not alone". I'm also getting deeper into Shamanism these days so expect a follow-up!

What goal were you trying to achieve while creating this song?

It virtually wrote itself from the first time I picked up my acoustic so I tried to stay true to that moment within a wider soundscape. I like the fact that it's very simple and anyone can play it should they wish to.

What artist or musician is your biggest influence?

Bob Dylan was always in my mind when I was doing this, I go through phases with him, obsessive mania every couple of years for a week or so, though I haven't had one for a while now!

Who is your biggest influence, that isn't an artist or musician?

All my great Shamanic teachers, Tarot masters and Spiritual guides, all the great leaders that stand against oppression, without love and progress there is no future.

Describe how a real-life situation has inspired one of your songs.

For this song, it would have to be the Witches of Boston and the great global binding spell of 2017 to protect the people of the United States from harm.

What artist influences you the most sonically?

I have too broad a sonic palette to pinpoint one person, you should see my wall of records. Way back when I used to DJ I remember playing early Chicago House, Sonic Youth, Madonna and Miles Davis all at the same time, my most fabulous mix.

What artist influences you the most lyrically?

"I am the Master of the Universe, the wind of time is blowing through me", Hawkwind

What do you believe are the elements that make up a great song?

Rhythm, melody, insight, humour, clarity and getting straight in at the start (DJ-ing taught me that).

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