Mozay Calloway Perspective on Am 90 Black News
The names Mozay Calloway! At We The CEO, we're all about Controlled IP! Thats the #Alien way!
We've all faced the challeneges of life. Govern yourself accordingly!
Pops played a lot of Marvin and R Kelly
No televisio, Wife dying of cancer. I found a place to dump the coming and ongoing pain.
There is a jazzy feel, its real HipHop!
I've finally begin to make the music I hear in my head.
I've never boxed myself in.
Anderson Paak at the moment and Mos Def and KRS One
We're just here to help you think.
melodic, jazzy, thought provoking, life experience.
Prince, he was just an electric performer
Hard one! I dont have favs, just things I like, songs I like. I love The Dream, Pipe Dream, Badu, Tokyo Drift, Am News and so many more. I love them all !
My musicical creative drive comes from a state of grief and recovery. I use "Creative Grief" to share my pain and experiences of life after losing the love of my life to a killer known as Cancer! I've got a lot to say and just letting it all out.
During the pandemic crisis the news was heavy with mis information. I created my own news at 5 segment to talk about the "real"
Honest discussion regading the state of our "union"
MORALE, my two babies, my son and my daughter. All the influence I need in this life.
The sound itself. Every song is different so every cadence will be different. knowing one wont sound like the other keeps me going. when that stops, ill stop.
Just knowing the brains many words flowing together to create visual sonic booms. Living in ones own truth requires only the experience they attain. Inspired but rarely influence by others.
My wife Died!
Kinesthetic, Auditory, Visual! Touch them all and you'll have a song that speaks to everyone.
I am who I am and that is what you will hear when you hear Mozay Calloway.
Good question. Topic selection. Being more diverse in your message.
Its an interchangeable thing. I write a lot without music. I listen a lot without writing. eventually the two coverge and I began putting words to the sounds. But they develop in my mind first seperately then together as one to create the ONE!
All times of the day. Every moment is different.
One Voice! It speaks for itself.
Listing every beat ive purchased by name in a song created the song HDWG! Check it out.
Controlled IP! Gotta Own it ALL!
Nature Nurtures!
100% no Cap in my Rap!