Raphaela Gilla is a Singer, Vocal-medium, Music channeler & Spiritual creator. Her work is her soul purpose. In her work Raphaela combines music & spirituality.
She channels vocals, music, sounds, messages & energies from higher dimensions which create a sacred space that activates healing, unconditional love, awakening, energy shift, transformation & the divine feminine aspect. Due to this powerful activation her music changes lives.
Raphaela was born and raised in Israel & is based in London and Berlin.
Her spiritual roots are a deep inspiration for her work as a messenger from a long, divine tradition of an ancient star-seed tribe.
Her Jewish-Bulgarian, Polish & Spanish roots influenced her way of singing & granted her voice many colours & characters- from ritualistic shaman through native Balkan to heavenly angelic voices.
Raphaela Gilla is one of the first artists in Europe that preformed & recorded singing with far east sound instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, chimes, bells & shaman drums.
By channelling her heavenly gifts that come from divine source & using her long years of diverse musical experiences Raphaela combines her ancient spiritual knowledge, energies & sound beings from higher dimension with her musical life experience & delivers them through vocals, melodies, compositions and sounds. Due to that Raphaela's art leaves a pioneer, fresh & individual mark in the world music genre as well as in the healing niche❤️✨